Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I am a Teacher

Recently, there was a Teacher March in Washington, DC for a "Save our Schools" rally. I didn't even know such a thing was happening. I think the realization of this event, and how I didn't know about it, is what many teachers feel when new legislation is passed, new testing requirements come down the pipeline, and new curriculum is is decided. Teachers seldom have a real voice at the table.  Politicians, text-book companies, testing companies ~ they all have a very loud and influential voice, and it's time that people in the actual profession of teaching start raising their voices!

Why did I choose to be a teacher? The simple fact is that without an education, I would be going nowhere, fast.  I had good teachers, bad teachers, nice teachers, & mean teachers.  In addition to academics, they all taught me something about myself! And it was those lessons that influenced me and helped shape me into the person I am today, the person who decided to be a teacher.

The American Public School system is being severely threatened, and in some states, dismantling them. The republican/conservative/tea-party agenda is hard at work attempting to convince the American people that public education is wrong and that it is the teachers fault for "failing" students.  When it is those same people who continue to vote time and time again to take funds away from public schools - or - vote to not increase taxes which would better fund schools.  All of this leads to a failing system, and it is certainly NOT the teachers fault.

Let's think about something: 50% of new teachers will quit after only 5 years. I am entering my 5th year of teaching, and I seriously considered leaving after my 2nd year. Every year brings new challenges and opportunity to grow professionally. Therefore, when I hear about funds being taken from the public school system and given to fund vouchers & charters, and there are even some states that allow tax deductions for those families that send their students to private school, I become passionately enraged!  Especially when research is now showing that vouchers for charters, do not show any difference in achievement or success.

I, along with my colleagues, work very very hard to teach the next generation to read, to make sense of numbers, to write coherently, to create relationships with their peers, to know what it means to be a good citizen, and many many other day-to-day activities that would take a lifetime to explain. I am continually being asked to do more, with less.  And, teachers, continue to rise to the occasion, because we are passionate about what we do!

As we come upon the dawn of a new school year, I hope that we can come together as professionals.  We must demand a seat at the table of decision making!  No longer can we sit quietly in our classrooms waiting and wondering what the next blow to public education will be! Go to meetings, find out what is happening at your state level! It is up to us! Don't be afraid of your own voice, speak up!

I appreciate any and all feedback on this topic, as it is near and dear to my heart. Do you think the school system is failing? If so, why?

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