I will admit, I was once nervous about pit-bulls. Furthermore, I was nervous about any big dog. Nothing has ever happened to me, these are just big, strong, animals. However, over the past few years, I have met several pit-bulls, and have come to realize that they are really sweet and loving dogs.
It breaks my heart that these dogs are being discriminated against. The discrimination comes from a fear-powered media and a misinformed public. Breed discrimination is linked to dog popularity, hence the more dogs of a certain breed are owned, the more incidents occur. Think about it, "In the 1970's Dobermans were very popular, hence a higher number of attacks by Dobermans in the '70's. Pit Bulls started rising in popularity in the 80's, Rottweiler;s in the the 90's" All these dogs have been thought to be "aggressive". But here is a surprising discovery I made today, google a breed of dog with "kill" or something similar, and you will find a story linked to that breed of dog.
Example (warning: these may be hard to read)
Golden Retriever

People are the problem here. If you spay/neuter, train, love, and exercise your animal, you'll have a happy loving and loyal companion. Sure, accidents and tragic things will happen in life, however, linking these tragic events to a specific breed of animal is not only cruel, but wrong. Please, if you are still afraid of pit-bulls, read a bit about how they are loving and loyal. Find a friend with one and go play. I hope your heart will be changed. I am super bummed that I didn't get to take a home a new friend today, but hopefully I can start being a small voice of change.
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