Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Cliff

I have been in Hawaii for a week. This thought came to me, far more slowly than I would have anticipated.  The question, what will happen next keeps looming on my mind...

I have met several women here who I have been questioning (probably annoyingly so) about their experiences with traveling. With this acknowledgment of being annoying, does not, in any way, mean I am going to stop asking questions of these divine women.

The one statement that I have been left pondering is, "you aren't going to die if you don't have a job". This struck me as a very strong statement. My gut reaction was, "well, sure, I won't die, but it is SO irresponsible... right? right?".  The next thing she said to me was "stop living to work, and start working to live".

This level of higher thinking is something that I know I posses deep in my personhood, but to make it an actual reality is somewhat terrifying.  How do I transition to such a "faithful" way of living?

I am looking, cautiously, over the cliff at all the possibilities...

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